The Covenant Bible

By Biblicist Jacob R. Blandford


“My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.”

Psalm 89:34


This powerful scripture is displayed on the front of Jesse Duplantis Ministries’ Covenant Church in Destrehan, Louisiana.


I want to talk about this Scripture because it is a KJV defense Scripture.


The reason is because if there was ever a time of a powerful move of the Holy Ghost in church history, it was the Protestant Reformation: and it was without question powered by God’s holy word.  The greatest product (along with the millions of salvations of souls) of the Protestant Reformation is the Protestant Bible itself: the greatest Bible ever—the AV 1611 Holy Bible!  There is no original autograph, Alexandrian bible, or Textus Receptus manuscript that can come close to what this Bible has accomplished—without question.  Only heaven will reveal what an enormous and hugely powerful impact this Holy Bible version has had on our world.  Philpot called it ‘The great bulwark of Protestantism.’  I could go on and on about this Book, but “the time would fail me” (Heb. 11:32).


With that said, I want to make a comment: if God the Holy Spirit said what He said in the Protestant Reformation, and in the Protestant Bibles leading up to the Holy Bible; and accomplished what He did with it: IT HAD TO BE THE TRUE WORD OF GOD.  If it wasn’t, the Holy Spirit wouldn’t have done anything with it.  (Just look what He did with Jerome’s corrupt vulgate and the modern Alexandrian false bibles—it produced the dark ages and the new dark ages.)  But He did do something with the AV 1611, because it was the true word of God!  And because it was, there is no way on God’s green earth; according to Ps. 89:34, that He would change or “alter” the KJV into something like the ASV, RSV, NRSV, or NIV.  No way at all!  God wouldn’t change a WORD (maybe a few spellings)—but certainly not anything that would affect even the smallest doctrines.  But when you start examining the changes that have taken place in these Laodicean biblical texts: you see we’ve gone from that holy Christological Bible that exalts the Deity of Jesus Christ (the 1st fundamental of the Christian faith) to antichrist bibles that deny the blood atonement, the Resurrection, and Christ’s role in creation—you realize it’s a satanic hoax!  The word of God is "tried" according to Psalms 18:30; and it is "true" according to Revelation 21:5, 22:6.  Here is the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary's definition of "tried-and-true"—'proved good, desirable, or feasible: shown or known to be worthy' and another definition says 'denoting something that has proven in the past to be effective or reliable.'  There is nothing in our modern world that is more 'tried-and-true' than the Authorized Version.  There are countless testimonies of Christian men and women who placed all their faith in it and they found it to be God's Good Book of Truth.  They relied and trusted in God's word.


If you think this interpretation of the word “covenant” is a stretch, then consider that your Bible consists of two Covenants or Testaments (the Old and the New).

And in II Kings 23:2 and II Chronicles 34:30 the Holy Book or the Holy Bible (AV 1611) is called by the Holy Ghost “THE BOOK OF THE COVENANT”.

See also Exodus 24:7.